Friday, April 30, 2010
Day Seven -- Painting Trim, Trim, and More Trim
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Day Six -- still painting
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Day five -- Painting the ceilings
I didn't take a picture of what the downstairs ceiling looked like because I was so shocked and disappointed that I immediately wiped it clean. I had bought a textured white paint that was supposed to look like that sound-proofing cottage cheese stuff, but, although it was advertised as white, when it was painted on it looked like blue sparkles in clumps. Guess I'll go back to plain white. It's not like that ceiling shows.
Stenciling -- Who knew it was this hard?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Uh oh

Day four -- trim, trim, trim
Satisfied with the outcome of two coats on the exterior walls, it was time to paint the trim, which I started yesterday. However, I realized later that there was more trim than just the gingerbread. Like the flower boxes and porch posts. The picture of the finished house also has the trim color along the side of the house, in the vertical line between the sides and front, but I don’t think that’s a trim piece. So I’m holding off on that until the house is assembled. Then I’ll use painter’s tape to cover the walls and paint that edge.
I realized this morning that the undersides of the gingerbread also need to be painted and that I should have done that first. Too late. And probably hit the gingerbread with a little sandpaper before painting, as the edges were a bit rough. Again, too late.
So, here’s what I painted this morning:
The two little pieces on the top of the photo are the window boxes. The half-painted sticks are the porch posts. They have little holes in the bottom for fitting through dowels (I think) to secure them to the porch). Next time, it would be easier to mount the posts through these hole on a piece of board with nails to facilitate painting.
Here are the bottom edges of the gingerbread:
The porch rails:
The window boxes:
I have some doubts about those window boxes, as they are of a different composition than everything else I’ve painted. Hopefully I’ve correctly identified them.
I also realized that I haven’t painted the porch floor yet. What color is that supposed to be anyway? And what about the foundations pieces? They need to be finished, but in the same lilac as the house? Surely not plum, like the trim. White? How about dirt color?
Next time, use a tarp instead of newspaper and build a drying rack. Which I need anyway for drying all the shingles. And by “all,” I mean about 650 of them.
Day three -- Two coats of exterior paint, one for some trim
Next step: paint the exterior walls. I used two coats of hte lilac paint. Here’s the first (the color doesn’t show well):
Here’s a close-up:
Then, after I did the second coat, I did the first coat on the gingerbread trim (I still need to do several other trim pieces, but didn’t have room to sort through everything to find them):
Day two (later) -- finish the hardwood floors
Next step was to finish the hardwood floors. Again, Mike had stain for me to choose from. Apparently I choose his favorite -- a light oak. To tell the truth, I didn’t see any difference when they were done. Two coats, half an hour apart, and then wiped clean after fifteen minutes. Here’s the first coat:
Here’s the final product:
Day two -- Prime the ceilings and exterior walls
First order of business was to prime the exterior walls and the ceilings. The woman at the miniature store said it wasn’t necessary to prime the interior walls. Mike gave me some white latex primer he has used on the house, with which I did these (upper floor ceiling in the middle, lower floor ceiling to the right, garret exterior (the triangle) and porch ceiling:
And these are the exterior walls (the front on top and the two side walls:
I only put on one coat.
Day one -- identify everything!
The first task was to identify all the pieces. Somehow these pictures do not do justice to the incredible number of pieces there are:
I had a bit of a problem as I ended up with four extra pieces and no “groove fill,” but Mike was able to figure out that three of those were the door trim. I’m hoping the fourth is the groove fill, although it isn’t exactly the specified size. As of this writing, I haven’t had to deal with any of the marginally identified pieces.
What it's supposed to look like
This is a picture I took for the dollhouse (Victorian Cottage Jr.) at the miniature store in Greensburg:
These shutters and the door are not stenciled, which I plan to do. My colors are lilac with plum trim.
Here’s the inside:
I’m going to try to paint the upper floor ceiling with sky blue paint and clouds. I haven’t made any decisions about interior colors or paint. Or moldings. My kit has the hardwood floors.