Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day four -- trim, trim, trim

Satisfied with the outcome of two coats on the exterior walls, it was time to paint the trim, which I started yesterday. However, I realized later that there was more trim than just the gingerbread. Like the flower boxes and porch posts. The picture of the finished house also has the trim color along the side of the house, in the vertical line between the sides and front, but I don’t think that’s a trim piece. So I’m holding off on that until the house is assembled. Then I’ll use painter’s tape to cover the walls and paint that edge.

I realized this morning that the undersides of the gingerbread also need to be painted and that I should have done that first. Too late. And probably hit the gingerbread with a little sandpaper before painting, as the edges were a bit rough. Again, too late.

So, here’s what I painted this morning:

The two little pieces on the top of the photo are the window boxes. The half-painted sticks are the porch posts. They have little holes in the bottom for fitting through dowels (I think) to secure them to the porch). Next time, it would be easier to mount the posts through these hole on a piece of board with nails to facilitate painting.

Here are the bottom edges of the gingerbread:

The porch rails:

The window boxes:

I have some doubts about those window boxes, as they are of a different composition than everything else I’ve painted. Hopefully I’ve correctly identified them.

I also realized that I haven’t painted the porch floor yet. What color is that supposed to be anyway? And what about the foundations pieces? They need to be finished, but in the same lilac as the house? Surely not plum, like the trim. White? How about dirt color?

Next time, use a tarp instead of newspaper and build a drying rack. Which I need anyway for drying all the shingles. And by “all,” I mean about 650 of them.

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