Friday, April 30, 2010

Day Seven -- Painting Trim, Trim, and More Trim

Today's goal was to paint all the trim. First step: *find* all the trim. I made it through Geometry on theory. Spatial relationships never did it for me. So it took a while to realize the reason I had so many window trims was because half of them were for the *inside* of the house. Once I got them all lined up, I started on the door. Argh. Painting around the finished plum part was -- problematical. Then I did the door trim and all the window pieces. Including the panels which (may or may not) get stenciled. The instructions say to paint both sides of the panels for stability. Never mentions that the edges must get painted as well, or give hints as to how the @##!$% one is supposed to do that. I also painted the panel cores plum (those are the parts the panels get glued to). Those edges have to get painted as well. First coat I did the top and bottom edges -- second coat I did the side edges. And decided I could live with one coat on those edges. Here's the first coat on all of it:

As you can see, the door edges need some work:

I tried to use some painter's tape that Mike had, but all it stuck to were my fingers. So I'm a bit perplexed as to how to tackle that. And I didn't even attempt to paint the white panels on the door. Lots of trim edges on both the door and windows still need paint.

Here's the second coat, with the pieces lined up in the way they will eventually go together; from the left, the door, the door trim, two big windows, inside and out, top right is the little attic window, in and out, with the panels and cores for the three windows below right:

Some how, there don't seem to be as many when lined up that way. I may have to do yet a third coat, as I didn't prime these pieces and they kind of sucked up the first coat.

The woman at the dollhouse store (I should find out what her name is) suggested old screens as drying racks. Especially for the shingles, once they're stained (they take two days to dry!). We have plenty of screen windows we aren't using, but Mike was hesitant for me to use them, ("Like bloody hell!") in case whoever buys this place from us ever wants to use them. So I took one and covered it with parchment paper. I doubt that will work well for the shingles, so I plan on spending time this weekend whining to Mike until he makes me a rack I can use.

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