Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day Nine -- Sand, Paint, Repeat

Following directions this time, today was a sanding day, followed by repainting the ceilings. First, to find the sandpaper. Who knew there was so much to choose from? (Out of Mike's supply, of course.) And, in spite of the variety, none of the grit recommended. But I came close. Frankly, after some time spent rubbing, I saw little difference, but at least I ended up with a warm glow for having done it.

Then to repaint. Judy, from the Greensburg store, "just miniature scale," had suggested that I use a four inch paint roller. I bought one:

But, for reasons which now escape me, hadn't used it for the previous paint jobs. Yes, of course Mike already had one, but, considering how often in the past I've ragged on him for not putting his toys away (and more for cleaning them in the kitchen sink), in a fit of pique, I bought my own. In a previous post, I mentioned my lack of spatial sense. Which explains why I first tried to put the roller together this way:

Luckily, before putting it to use, I figured out where I went wrong:

Turned out to be a much better way to paint. I hope these are enough coats for the sky blue ceiling, because I'm now out of that paint color:

I also sanded and repainted the lower ceiling, the porch ceiling and the porch floor. That was the first shot at the porch floor, but by doing it first and then doing all the trim pieces, I managed a second coat without a second trip down the basement stairs. Always an important consideration for achy knees.

As suspected, painting those little windows was much easier when they were put together, rather than doing each piece separately. I didn't take the rubberbands off the windows because it would break my heart if it turns out the glue didn't stick. Hopefully the second coat of paint will reinforce that.

Also repainted the interior of the door, painstakingly, only afterward to realize that I had already done that. Well, three coats can't hurt.

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